When you fly solo as an entrepreneur, you quickly realize you can't do every task on your own. Hiring an employee or two may not be an option for you right now. However, you can still get expert assistance by hiring freelancers for even your most demanding tasks.
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What Type of Jobs Can I Outsource?
Statistics show over 70 million freelancers are working in the United States today, and that number is expected to increase to 90 million in the next few years. This statistic demonstrates that many people with knowledge in various tasks are available to provide you with the help you need. Some typical jobs to outsource are:
Digital marketing manager
IT manager
Web developer
Data scientist
Customer service specialist
One important task you should always outsource to a professional is cybersecurity. A recent survey by security experts revealed 50% of small businesses had been victimized by cyberattacks. Leaving this task to a professional ensures your company is protected from an attack and has a recovery plan to resume operations if you do become a victim of hackers. This data recovery plan identifies the most critical applications to recover first, who is involved in the recovery effort, and the timing necessary for each task. Plus, a security expert keeps up with the ever-changing world of cyber threats and has the training, certifications, and qualifications on the latest solutions to fight them.
What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Freelancer?
One of the most significant benefits of outsourcing tasks is that you get specialized expert help usually reserved for large corporations. Many freelancers previously worked in large corporate environments where they gained the experience, skills, and expertise they are now offering you on a contract basis. In addition, by hiring a freelancer to do a job, you only pay them for their work. If you hired an employee, you would shell out money for benefits, salary, training, and recruitment fees.
Additionally, outsourcing saves you time as you’ll hire someone to complete tasks you aren't skilled in. While you could spend time researching how to complete a defined task, you have more meaningful ways to spend your time, such as growing your business. Hire a freelancer instead who can get right to work completing the task for you.
Finally, a freelancer usually has a vast network and can quickly connect you with other professionals they know with any skills you need in the future.
How Do I Find Talented Freelancers?
With so many freelancers available today, you want to take extra steps to ensure you contract with a competent person. A great way to find talented freelancers is to ask your network or other solopreneurs for recommendations of people they have hired in the past. There are also freelancing websites you can use to search for help.
Before contracting with a freelancer to do the job, conduct a virtual interview to evaluate the person's qualifications, skills, and experience. Ask for referrals from previous clients and contact them for a review of the completed work. In addition, when assessing someone for a creative position, always ask to see a digital portfolio and work samples.
Outsourcing work to talented freelancers boosts your business by giving you expert help to complete several of the tasks needed to run your company. By saving time and money, you’ll be able to concentrate on what really matters—running your business effectively.
By: Patrick Young, ableusa.info
Image: pxhere.com